Indirect adhesive restorations in aesthetic dentistry


A class on indirect adhesive restorations in aesthetic dentistry was organized by the Italian Dental Association and held by Mr Sandro Pradella on 3 March 2018 in Triest. 

The attendees have had the opportunity to get a deeper insight into the latest trends in indirect adhesive restorations in aesthetic dentistry, which have grown significantly in recent years thanks to metal-free materials.

Great results thanks to the development of materials

The success of indirect adhesive restorations is due to two important elements: 

  • the excellent final aesthetic result and the benefits of adhesive cementation, increasingly confirmed by studies of some major authors in the field of enamel and dentin adhesion; 
  •  the development of materials, which is allowing dental technicians to produce highly aesthetic products affordable for everyone, to the great satisfaction of professionals and patients.