First National Congress dedicated to Digital Dentistry professionals, organized by 3Shape.
ODOPROJECT TECH training evening in cooperation with KATANA, September 16, 2021.
As of May 26, 2021, after a one-year postponement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the new European Medical Device Regulation becomes operational.
Also for the biennium 2021 - 2022, the Rosso Rienzi Laboratory has obtained the certification "KATANA Qualified Laboratory"
Being a KATANA Qualified Laboratory is a guarantee of the quality of materials and professionalism offered.
The dental technicians federation Confartigianato Odontotecnici of Udine has organized an event to celebrate the European Dental Technicians Day.
Udine Dental Club organized a training event on the topic: Clinical bite registrations. The “revolution” in the transfer system.
Dental technicians across Italy met citizens on Friday 1 June to raise awareness of quality and safety of dental care.
European Dental Technicians Day to promote the work of dental laboratories. The event in Udine FaberLab.
A class on indirect adhesive restorations in aesthetic dentistry was organized by the Italian Dental Association.